Sage is one of the oldest natural air cleansers, best known for its pungent, smoky smell and believed spiritual capabilities. However, research has shown that it carries antimicrobial properties, too, making it a great addition to your daily routine for an overall better homeopathic health.
The sage plant is often sold as a bundle of dried leaves, and it is said that burning sage serves to cleanse the spiritual energy of a person or space. Additionally, people use sage as a homeopathic remedy to treat issues with digestion, memory, and sore throats. Sage gets its name from the Latin word “salvia,” which means “to be healthy.” With all of the health and cleanliness concerns as flu season progresses, it's important to learn about this natural air cleanser that has been used to disinfect the air since the time of ancient civilizations.
Burning Sage and its Impact on Airborne Bacteria
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The practice of burning sage has a long list of rituals and traditions tied to it. Its roots can be traced to various Native American customs, and it is also used in Chinese medicine and other types of spirituality as a method to cleanse the air.
Many individuals turn to sage burning as a method of cleansing spaces of negative energy, or to create a spiritual space that allows for a deeper clarity in the mind. The term “smudging” refers to a sage burning ritual, in which one would set intentions for the purpose of the “smudging.” However, not all Native American cultures practice sage burning, and the particular purpose and method can vary from community to community as the use of sage is widespread. There's something deeper, though, to the interpretation of sage as as spiritual air cleanser. It not only is said to clear the air of negative energy, but it also serves to cleanse the air of harmful bacteria, transforming your space, and ultimately your energy.
Our Picks For The Best Sage
What many do not realize is that the practice of sage burning also carries medicinal advantages, as sage is known to be an air purifier with antimicrobial properties that work to make the air cleaner. Many of those that only use western medicine, in particular, may be unaware of the many benefits of burning sage. As the seasons shift from autumn into winter, and the corresponding season of the cold and flu arrives, thinking about keeping our living and work spaces as clean as possible certainly becomes a priority. It is important to incorporate as many healthy and natural practices into our routines as possible to promote a lifestyle of overall wellness.
How To Burn Sage
So, what kind of sage should be used to cleanse the air? Typically, healers recommend using white sage that comes bundled. Bundled sage is easy to use when purifying an indoor space. Simply light one end of your sage and waft it around to evenly distribute the smoke throughout the enclosed space, being careful not to directly inhale too much smoke. You might also set the sage down to burn in a dish or incense holder. Since you're focusing on the air purifying benefits of burning sage, you'll want to be sure that the smoke from your sage stick is filling up the majority of your area.
Some who enjoy the ritual of cleaning the air with sage like to envision that every crevice of the room receives the refreshing wafts of sage, and that any negative energy or dirty bacteria is instead pushed out of a door or window. You might choose to use a fan to help move the burning sage evenly throughout the room. Then, once the space has been sufficiently cleansed, open a door or window to fully let out any bad air. Others might find that moving the sage bundle through the room in a circular fashion while walking slowly can connect the individual to the ritual of the air cleansing, also ensuring a good coverage of sage throughout the entire room.
Can Burning Sage Help Kill Bacteria? What does research say?
Research has shown that burning sage has the potential to kill up to 94% of bacteria in the air. We can also refer to a 2007 study published in Ethnopharmacol, which looked at the connection between burning herbs and the reduction of airborne bacteria for up to 25 hours.
Sage is an herb that is antimicrobial, and therefore, has the potential to improve our air quality tremendously. Such a reduction in bacteria in the air can aid against getting ill. Its antimicrobial properties work against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. While it is not advisable to inhale smoke, the resulting cleaner air from burning sage could mean less exposure to harmful bacteria. An additional benefit of burning sage is that it helps to keep insects away, so you can also enjoy spending more time outside, adding to your overall health and well-being.
Considering your work or home environment, it may be beneficial to burn sage as part of your routine, or at least periodically. Many of us interact with different people throughout the day, and their energy and bacteria can linger in our space. Cleansing the air from time to time may not only purify the space from previous energy and germs, but sage also works to cleanse the space with a new energy for the next person who spends time there. The benefits of burning sage may be especially desirable when moving into a new house or when purifying the air after having guests.
Here Are Some Recommended Sage Bundles:
Products Images | Products Name | Features | Rank |
Alternative Imagination |
| #1 | |
JL Local White Sage Smudge Stick Kit |
| #2 | |
Beginners Sage Bundle Kit |
| #3 | |
6 - 4" Blue Sage Smudge Sticks |
| #4 | |
Mama Wunderbar Sage Variety Kit |
| #5 |
Is Sage Safe to Use?
Sage is a natural and commonly used herb, so it is completely safe to be around unless you are specifically allergic. However, some people may be sensitive to the smoke from lighting it when it is used as a smudge stick, and it is important to always consider the safety of burning any material indoors. Any stray ashes or embers need to be watched for, and of course, inhaling the smoke directly may cause harm. If using a match to light your bundle of sage, make sure that it is safely discarded. And, once your space has been sufficiently cleansed and purified, make sure all remaining sage material is no longer burning or hot before leaving the area.
Advantages of Using Sage
Beyond the air purifying effects of burning sage, it may be beneficial to look at the other beneficial effects of sage as an herb. Sage contains flavonoids which may improve our brain health. It may also have benefits such as improved memory capacity. On top of those benefits, some individuals see improvement in anxiety and depression. The promotion of digestive health is also a commonly touted benefit of sage. Some opt to consume sage as an essential oil or to infuse tea.
Beyond the air purifying effects of burning sage, there are many other beneficial effects of sage as an herb. Sage contains flavonoids which work to improve our mood and brain health. It may also have benefits such as improved memory capacity. On top of those benefits, some individuals see improvement in anxiety and depression one they start using sage for burning. The promotion of digestive health is also a commonly touted benefit of sage. Some opt to consume sage as an essential oil or to infuse it in tea.
Many also find that burning sage has spiritually cleansing effects when done as a ritual. A reduction in stress and overall improvement in mood are similar benefits that can be experienced when cleansing the air with the smoke from a sage bundle. A lot of these noted advantages come from anecdotal experiences rather than a plethora of research, yet individuals from diverse cultures speak on the benefits of sage smudging for many types of health. Using a smudge stick is not just a ritual, but additionally, burning sage kills bacteria.
These many lived advantages are why burning sage continues to thrive as an ancient healing practice, and why it continues to draw in new interest from those invested in natural healing remedies. Take some time this year to cleanse your space and share the impacts you notice with others. Being open to alternative or complementary health practices can bring an unexpected value that is both economical and practical for a better health and a better mood. It is easy to spend a fortune on a top-of-the-line air electronic purifier, but many families don’t have the extra funds to spend on those kinds of products. Throughout the years, sage has been used to achieve the same results that many expensive consumer items also boast. On top of that, burning sage fills your space with a pleasing aroma that can refresh old, stale air, which is one of the main advantages of burning sage. The aromatherapy effects of burning sage alone can greatly improve your home or office, or you can use white sage to refresh the air before you go to sleep.
The benefits of burning sage are said to be both spiritual and physical, and it's a great way to purify the air from any sickness or negetivity. We will be interested to follow new research on the science behind burning sage, but the versatility of its uses and the ancient traditions that have relied on it, as well as individual experiences, mean that the practice of sage burning will likely continue to thrive in popularity. If you're looking for a conscious way to clear the air, purchasing sage and spreading its smoke around can lead to better days and a more refreshed sleep.
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These many lived benefits are why sage burning continues to thrive as an ancient healing practice and why it draws new interest from those invested in natural healing remedies. Take some time this year to cleanse your space and share the impacts you notice with others. Being open to alternative or complementary health practices can bring unexpected benefits that are both economical and practical. It is easy to spend a fortune on a top-of-the-line air electronic purifier, but many families don’t have the extra funds to spend on those kinds of products. Throughout the years, sage burning has been used to achieve the same results that many expensive consumer items also boast. On top of that, sage burning fills your space with a pleasing aroma that can refresh old, stale air. The aromatherapy effects of sage burning alone can greatly improve your home or office.
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